#cBoard - help ## Overview cBoard is a one-way communication board.
The {primary} views the cBoard, while {others} edit content for them. cBoard will: * show the current time of day * show the next up-coming event * show a random slideshow of images with captions * show a random tip of useful information * go dark at night, and bright during the date * will continue showing current information while offline * allow a two way video chat * change background colours randomly ## Access All {people} are identified by a single first name (Alice, Bob, Clare, David etc..) Each {primary} has a {secret} that must be used by all {others} of their cBoard. All {others} must know the {primary}'s {secret}. The {contact} is the first person to setup a cBoard on behalf of a {primary} ##First-time setup The {contact} will enter * the {primary} * the {secret} * an email address used for all cBoard communication * the {others} ##Editing All {people} who can access a cBoard can add and edit * a simple calendar of events * a list of tips * a list of {people} who can access cBoard * a list of images and their captions They can also turn on and off * random colours * video chat ##Images Images are uploaded from the local computer so save it there first. You can rename the image with its caption or rename it after uploading. Examples are * Bob and Alice on a swing.jpg * Alice\_beside\_the\_looking\_glass.png * Clare walking in the garden.gif Uploaded images are automatically scaled down to display well on screens Images can have their captions changed and be deleted at any time ##Video chat If you enable video chat then anyone who can access the {primary}'s cBoard can initiate a video chat. The video chat starts within 10 seconds if both computers are capable of video chat. No input is required by the {primary} to answer the call, so make sure you have their consent to spontaneously start a video chat. Hanging up or closing your browser will end the video chart for the {primary} ##Subscription The first month is free. After that pay any amount you like with [PayPal](https://paypal.me/wallacethings?locale.x=en_AU "Use PayPal for subscription fees")